JAKARTA - PT Indopoly Swakarsa Industry Tbk (IPOL) plans to distribute dividends to its shareholders. The plan was approved at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) which was held in Jakarta, Tuesday 27 April.

During the meeting, it was agreed that a portion of the company's net profit that was collected in 2020 will be allocated for dividends. It is known that in 2020, IPOL has pocketed a net profit of 7.88 million US dollars, or an increase of 86.7 percent when compared to the previous year's net profit of 4.22 million US dollars.

"Part of last year's profit, or around 28.08 percent or 2.21 million US dollars, will be distributed as dividends," said Jeffrey Halim, Deputy President Director of Indopoly Swakarsa Industry.

He further explained that the last recorded date for shareholders to receive dividends is May 7, 2021. The dividend payment is scheduled to be made on May 28, 2021.

"The total dividend payment is Rp. 5 per share," he said.

Apart from dividends, the company also set aside a portion, or around US $ 100 thousand or 1.27 percent of the net profit obtained last year, for reserve funds. While the rest, around US $ 5.57 million or 70.65 percent of IPOL 2020's net profit, was recorded as retained earnings to support the company's activities and expansion in the future.

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