JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower's Director General of Industrial Relations and Social Security (PHI and Jamsos), Indah Anggoro Putri, ensures that workers with outsourcing, contract (PKWT) or permanent workers (PKWTT) are entitled to receive holiday allowances (THR) Religious.

This Religious THR payment is in accordance with Circular Letter (SE) Number M / 6 / HK.04 / IV / 2021 concerning the Implementation of Providing Religious Holiday Allowances (THR) in 2021 for Workers / Laborers in Companies. In principle, the SE inj requires employers to give religious THR in full to their workers / laborers on D-7 Eid.

"Religious THR must be given in the form of rupiah currency and no later than 7 days before religious holidays," said the Director General of Women in a written statement, quoted on Monday, April 26.

The director general explained that there are three types of workers / laborers who are entitled to receive the Religious THR. First, workers / laborers based on PKWT (Fixed Term Work Agreement) or PKWTT (Indefinite Time Work Agreement) have a work period of 1 month or more continuously.

Second, workers / laborers based on PKWTT who have experienced layoffs by employers since D-30 days before religious holidays. Third, workers / laborers who are transferred to another company with a continuing work period, if the old company has not received THR.

"THR must be paid in full and on time. In the payment of THR there is no difference in work status. Outsourcing workers or contract workers, as long as they have worked for 1 month or more and still have a working relationship during the religious day, they are entitled to receive THR as well. "said the Director General of Princess.

The provision for the amount of THR based on the Religious THR regulation is 1 month of wages for workers / laborers who have a continuous work period of 12 months or more, while workers / laborers whose work period is 1 month continuously for less than 12 months are entitled to receive THR which is calculated proportionally according to the period of service.

Calculation of monthly wages, namely wages without allowances which are clean wages or basic wages including fixed allowances. In the event that the wage consists of a basic wage and non-fixed allowances, the THR is calculated based on the basic wage.

"From the wage calculation, it is possible that the company can also provide THR which is greater than the statutory regulations, where it is first stipulated in work agreements, company regulations or collective labor agreements or habits that have been carried out by the company so far. , "said the Director General of Princess.

Meanwhile, workers / laborers who work based on a daily work agreement, one month's wages are calculated through two provisions. Namely, having worked 12 months or more (average wages received in the last 12 months before the holidays) and a work period of less than 12 months (average wages received each month during the work period).

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