The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is increasingly optimizing industrial services to business actors and other stakeholders, including the community. This is to spur the performance of the manufacturing industry which will contribute greatly to the national economy.

In an effort to achieve this target, the Ministry of Industry already has a public service unit building at the Banda Aceh Standardization and Industrial Services Center (BSPJI) which was built starting August 2024 and completed in early January 2025.

"With the construction of a better public service unit building, the performance of BSPJI Banda Aceh and the ranks of ASN in it must also be better," said Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry Andi Rizaldi in his official statement, written Tuesday, February 18.

Andi emphasized that BSPJI Banda Aceh should be able to meet the needs of industrial services in accordance with the expectations and demands of the industrial world and business actors today. This is in line with the presence of new building facilities as a more representative and comfortable public service place.

"It is also hoped that BSPJI Banda Aceh can continue to build a culture of collaboration in providing services to the public. In addition, BSPJI Banda Aceh must be more innovative and dynamic in following the development and needs of business actors," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of BSPJI Banda Aceh Fathullah said that the presence of public service unit buildings is a motivation to innovate, be creative and more enthusiastic to work in providing superior services to business actors in the country.

Fathullah explained, the building consists of three floors with an area of 600 square meters plus one semi-basement parking floor. "This building carries an energy-friendly or green building concept with a design to maximize the glass wall to save the use of lights and the use of energy-efficient AC VRF (central)," he said.

The first floor of the building is also equipped with an open space of access for the public and customers, including public service unit rooms, consulting rooms, lactation rooms, children's playrooms, special toilets for customers and settings/food rooms as well as collaboration spaces equipped with libraries on the third floor.

In addition, the building also provides a workspace with an open plan concept on the second floor.

"BSPJI Banda Aceh as one of the vertical work units of the Ministry of Industry at the very end of Sumatra has eight services, namely product testing, SNI certification, calibration, halal examining institutions, facilitation and verification of the domestic component level (TKDN) of small industries, green industry certification, industrial training as well as industrial consulting and assistance," he concluded.

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