Outbreaks of mouth and nail disease (PMK) have spread in a number of livestock centers, such as in Java, Lampung, Bali to West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). In line with this, the government will import as many as 2 million imports of dairy cows and broilers over the next five years.
In this regard, Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono said that Brazil is one of the importing countries for dairy cows. He said Brazil would get the title free from the outbreak no later than next year.
"Right, this is an issue as if PMK countries have been around for a number of years. Later it can be checked that they have been free from PMK, there are no vaccinations. God willing, maybe this year or next year they will be free, PMK-free countries," said Sudaryono when met at Graha Mandiri, Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
Sudaryono also explained the reason why Brazil became a cattle import country to Indonesia. According to him, the population of cattle living in Brazil is high, which is around 200 million cows. In addition, the weather conditions in Brazil are also not much different from Indonesia so that cows are more adaptable.
On the other hand, his party also continues to monitor the domestic PMK outbreak. Sudaryono also encouraged local breeders to continue to vaccinate independently.
He said the price of vaccines was around Rp. 17,000-25,000 per dose. Thus, he said, the relatively low price could still be pursued by local breeders.
"Because the price of the vaccine is Rp. 17,000 to Rp. 25,000, yes, I think that's the case compared to the price of the cattle up to Rp. 30,000,000, right, I think Rp. 17,000 is very affordable, it can be pursued," he concluded.
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