Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed financial institutions such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and Bank Indonesia (BI) will also be involved and the success of the Free Nutrition Food (MBG) program.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani said that banks and other financial institutions are also expected to participate in free nutritious eating programs so that they can provide credit access for working capital and meet business needs.

According to him, to be able to succeed and support the MBG program, support is needed in the form of microprudentials, macroprudentials, and channeling (distribution), as well as facilities for various credit and financing programs.

"If a company has received a purchasing order to eat nutritiously for free, it should be able to get credit to be able to have working capital or in terms of the ability to meet that need," said Sri Mulyani at the BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025 event, Thursday, January 30.

The state financial treasurer conveyed that this program includes around 90 million beneficiaries, including children, pregnant women, and PAUD, which require daily preparation and implementation.

I imagine the effect of multiplying or multipliers will have an extraordinary effect. We will certainly continue to support it from the Nutrition Agency and other ministries of institutions, ensuring that this program runs well," he said.

In addition, Sri Mulyani conveyed that collaboration between Ministries/Institutions is also needed, such as the Ministry of MSMEs, the Coordinating Ministry for Community Empowerment.

Sri Mulyani said that if the MBG budget was increased by Rp. 100 trillion to Rp. 171 trillion, then this program would also provide opportunities for MSMEs throughout Indonesia, because every school that serves nutritious food for students needs food providers, processing staff, and distribution.

"If the free nutritious food program will be increased from Rp71 trillion to Rp100 trillion plus Rp100 trillion, not up to Rp100 trillion, then to Rp171 trillion," he said.

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