JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati emphasized that the government continues to maintain the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), as an important instrument to realize the vision of Advanced Indonesia and implement priority programs as ideal.

Sri Mulyani said President Prabowo had launched an 8 percent economic growth target, which required structural policies and a deep economic transformation.

"For Indonesia to reach developed countries, we need to grow higher, therefore President Prabowo has launched 8 percent growth, which requires a very, very important structural policy and economic transformation," he said at the BRI Microfinance Outlook 2025 event, Thursday, January 30.

Sri Mulyani conveyed that these various policies include investment in human resources, including good education, health, and nutrition, as well as reforms in the institutional, bureaucratic, regulatory simplification and downstream sectors to create more efficient, high, and competitive added value in Indonesia.

In the fiscal strategy, Sri Mulyani said that the Government is focused on creating higher growth through various State Budget instruments, both in terms of spending, revenue and financing incentives, as well as risk handling.

In addition, Sri Mulyani said that strengthening welfare is also one of the main pillars in achieving inclusive and sustainable growth.

"I don't know if shopping, I don't know incentives from the government and financing, as well as in terms of risk management," he said.

In addition, Sri Mulyani also appreciated PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk for supporting economic transformation and creating empowerment, especially for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) so that economic growth is not only high but inclusive and quality.

"The government uses the APBN to support the economy in the village, more than Rp70 trillion in village funds for 75 thousand. So if BRIlink was still around 4,300, next year I hope it can increase 3 times, at least to a third or a quarter of the total village in Indonesia," he said.

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