JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto inaugurated the Jatigede Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) located in Sumedang Regency. Just so you know, this project is included in one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) with a capacity of 2x55 MW which utilizes water from the Jatigede reservoir as the second largest reservoir in Indonesia.

On the same occasion, Prabowo also inaugurated 26 electricity projects spread across 18 provinces and produced 3.2 GW.

"By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this morning, January 20, 2025, I am the President of the Republic of Indonesia, inaugurating 18 provinces," Prabowo said in his remarks, Monday, January 20.

In his remarks, Prabowo said, this inauguration is the inauguration of the largest energy project in the world. He also appreciated the hard work of PLN and a number of institutions involved and the involvement of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

"This is my destiny and luck, exactly the 3rd month today, it is an honor to be able to inaugurate a cluster of projects of this size," Prabowo continued. The projects that were inaugurated included 26 generators and 11 transmissions and substations.

The following is a list of projects that were inaugurated;

26 Generators

1. PLTA Asahan 3 #1

2. PLTA Asahan 3 #2

3. PLTP Sorik Marapi #2

4. PLTA Jatigede

5. Java PLTGU 1

6. PLTGU Muara Offers Add On Block 2.3.4

7. PLTGU Java Bali 1 Tambak Lorok


9. PLTU Central Kalimantan - 2 #1

10. PLTU Central Kalimantan - 2 #2

11. MPP Sulselbar (BMPP Nusantara #1)

12. PLTU Palu - 3 #1

13. PLTU Palu - 3 #2

14. PLTU North Sulawesi -1 #1

15. PLTM Minihidro Aceh Spread

16. South Bangka Sadai PLTBm

17. PLTM Ordi Hulu

18. PLTBm Deli Serdang

19. PLTS Listdes Pajangan

20. PLTS Listes Sadulang Kecil

21. PLTS Listdes Sapapan

22. Small Sapangkur Lisdes PLTS

23. PLTS Listes Saur

24. PLTM Koro Yaentu

25. PLTM Dominate

26. PLTS Listdes Tamalala

Transmission and Substation:

1. SUTET 275 kV Muara Enim - Gumawang and GI 150 kV Lampung 1

2. SUTT 150 kV Kendawangan - Marau - Sukamara and GI 150 kV Sukamara Ext 2LB

3. GI 150 kV Kariangau towards GIS 4 KIPP and SUTT 150 kV Kariangau - Landing Point GIS 4 KIPP GIS 4 KIPP 150 kV

4. SUTT 150 kV GI Kolaka - PT Antam Pomala and GI 150 kV Kolaka Ext

5. SUTT 150 kV PLTMG Luwuk -Al Luwuk DANGI 150 kV Luwuk

6. SUTT 70 kV GI PL TMG Flores - GI Labuan Bajo and GI 66 kV Labuan Bajo (2 LB) and GI 66 KV PLTMG Flores

7. SUTET 500 kV Muara Karang Baru - Duri Kosambi

8. GITET 500 kV Ampel Boyolali (2x500 MVA), SUTET 500 kV Ampel New/Boyolali Incomer Direction Ungaran and Pedan Sirkit 1

9. SUTT 150 kV Ampel New/Boyolali Incomer direction to Bringin and Mojosongo Sirkit 1 and 2

10. SUTT 150 kV Duren Tiga II / Ragunan (GIS) - Depok II Sirkit 1

11. IBT 4 GITET Extension 500 kV Cilegon

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