JAKARTA - Perum Bulog received an assignment from the government to absorb 3 million tons of domestic harvest equivalent to rice. Where, 80 percent of the target will be absorbed in March and April 2025.

Head of the Institutional Relations Division of Perum Bulog Epi Sulandari said the target of 3 million tons of rice equivalent to the yield of domestic farmers consists of 1.2 million tons of harvested dry unhulled rice (GKP), 1.4 million tons of milled dry unhulled rice and 1.5 million tons of rice.

"So the total rice equivalent is around 3 million tons," said Epi in a virtual coordination meeting on inflation control 2025 quoted from the Ministry of Home Affairs' YouTube, Monday, January 13.

Epi said that because the peak of the harvest occurred in March and April 2025, 80 percent of the target of 3 million tons of rice equivalent would be absorbed during that period.

"With the peak harvest in March and April, we will focus on this 3 million tonne absorption of around 80 percent in March and April," he said.

Therefore, continued Epi, Bulog is working with the Department of Agriculture and the local Food Service to monitor the condition of areas that are harvesting or that will be harvested. Then absorb the grain and rice.

"Please support the Agriculture Service and the Local Food Service to cooperate in finding information where the positions are harvested and then we can carry out procurement together," he explained.

Regarding the government's rice reserve stock (CBP) as of January 11, continued Epi, the total was 2,037,784 tons. The details, 1,856,184 tons are CBP and the remaining 181,600 tons are Bulog's commercial stock.

"We have distributed this throughout Indonesia, for the needs of SPHP and for the needs of guard-guard reserves and for food assistance needs as many as 16 million families receive food assistance," he said.

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