PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) officially listed the initial shares or delivered the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of three companies in the Indonesian capital market today, Monday, January 13.
The three companies are PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses Tbk (CBDK), PT Brigit Biofarmaka Teknologi Tbk (OBAT), and PT Delta Giri Wacana Tbk (DGWG).
"Thus, the total number of listed companies is 951 companies, there is a provision that we collect with growth opportunity comes to create responsibility," said IDX Corporate Assessment Director I Gede Nyoman Yetna quoting Antara.
Nyoman said that the listed company must have three elements, including the Earning Investor Trust, which is to give confidence to investors regarding the use of the IPO proceeds as stated in the prospectus.
"Use (fund) IPO for development, so that it can create performance, both operational performance or market performance," said Nyoman.
He continued, Driving Growth for All, which is noted that companies need to contribute to providing meaning to the existing companies in Indonesia, including improving the nation's economy and improving the welfare of the community.
Then, continued Nyoman, Leading with Integrity is good company management to be the backbone of the company's credibility.
"From now on, governance is more transparent, more accountable, and runs the ethic business in charge," said Nyoman.
Furthermore, Nyoman ensured that companies must implement the Sustainability Environmental Preservation, namely preserving the environment, would be important.
"Not only performance, but also maintaining the company's sustainability in the future," said Nyoman.
In the IPO, PT Bangun Kosambi Sukses Tbk (CBDK) released 566.89 million shares or 10 percent of the total issued capital, at a price of IDR 4,060 per share, so that it managed to achieve fresh funds worth IDR 2.3 trillion.
PT Brigit Biofarmaka Teknologi Tbk (OBAT) released 170.00 million shares or 28.33 percent of the total issued capital, at a price of Rp350 per share, so that it managed to achieve fresh funds worth Rp59.5 billion.
Meanwhile, PT Delta Giri Wacana Tbk (DGWG) released as many as 882.35 million shares or 15 percent of the total issued capital, at a price of Rp230 per share, so that it managed to achieve fresh funds worth Rp202.94 billion.
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