JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Pariwisata Indonesia or ITDC together with PT Suryalaya Anindita International, officially extended cooperation in the use of Land Utilization & Land Development Agreement (LUDA) for Lot N1 in The Nusa Dua area, Bali until April 2063.

For your information, PT Suryalaya Anindita International is a subsidiary of PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA). Suryalaya himself is the owner and manager of the Melia Bali Hotel.

Meli Hotels and Resorts, one of the first five hotels to be built in The Nusa Dua, is currently undergoing a thorough renovation with an increase in products to Paradis by Meli Marijuana.

ITDC's Commercial Director, Troy War Badminton, said the land tenure agreement had been going on for almost 50 years from April 18, 1983 to April 17, 2033. Then, it will be extended for an additional 30 years and will end on April 17, 2063.

Troy said in the new agreement there is a further extension option for 20 years until April 17, 2083. So that the total cooperation period can reach 100 years.

"The cooperation that has existed for more than four decades between ITDC and PT Suryalaya Anindita International is not just a business relationship, but also reflects strong trust and a shared commitment to advancing Indonesian tourism," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 7.

Troy said his party is optimistic about the extension of this collaboration and the transformation of the Meli Marijuana Hotel into Paradius by Meli? Bali, The Nusa Dua area will shine even more on the global stage.

"Through this synergy, we are committed to continuing to create a sustainable positive impact on tourism development, economic growth, and the welfare of the surrounding community," he said.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Suryalaya Anindita International, Johannes Suriadjaja, admitted that he was very happy to be able to continue the extension of this collaboration before the Land Utilization & Land Development Agreement (LUDA) ended.

Furthermore, Johannes said PT Suryalaya Anindita International, as a subsidiary of PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA), is conducting a thorough renovation, including an increase in products by transforming Meli Juli Hotel into Paradis by Meli Juli Bali.

"In addition, this transformation is in line with efforts to maintain the balance of ecosystems in the region, thus supporting the sustainability and competitiveness of this superior tourism destination," said Johannes.

For your information, Melia Bali Hotel or Meli Marijuh Hotels and Resorts, one of the first five hotels to be built in The Nusa Dua, is currently undergoing a thorough renovation with an increase in products to Paradis by Meli Juli Bali.

This transformation is part of a strategic effort to support hotel property rejuvenation programs in The Nusa Dua area, while increasing accommodation service standards, as well as maintaining regional competitiveness in the global tourism industry.

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