JAKARTA - The manufacturer of pastries namely J&C Cookies presents its latest pastry innovations, namely cakes with culinary flavors of the ancient archipelago such as Bandrek, Bajigur, and Melinjo.

"If last year we released Empon-empon Cookies for variations of Nusantara Cookies, in 2021 we again present new variants namely Bandrek, Bajigur, and Melinjo," said J&C Cookies Chief Marketing Officer Ricky Hermayanto, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 13.

This latest creation is presented by J&C Cookies with the aim to raise local wisdom through its products.

"This year, we created new creations that are more innovative and may not be widely found in the cake products that are out there. By elevating the culinary of the past, hopefully this new variation of nusantara series can be unique," said Ricky.

For variations Bandrek and Bajigur itself is made from ginger base ingredients that have many benefits for health.

"Hopefully this cake can be consumed by all circles and can be a solution for those who do not like ginger too much, but now can enjoy it in the form of pastries," he said.

He is grateful because PT Joyci Nusantara Cemerlang, which houses the brand J&C Cookies can still survive with all the struggles that exist.

And in 2021, J&C Cookies carries a tagline #SelaluAda that has a lot of meaning for everyone in it. Ricky said with the tagline #SelaluAda, J&C Cookies want to be able to continue to accompany customers in all situations and conditions.

"J&C Cookies are always there for all loyal customers, not only in happy times, but in difficult times like today," he said.

In the midst of these conditions, companies are required to increase creativity in various lines, be it in terms of production, innovation, to creativity.

This is done to keep loyal customers buying the products offered.

In addition to presenting a new variant of Nusantara Series, ahead of ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, J&C Cookies will also release a collaboration product with one of the local brands, Calla The Label namely Nastar with Edible Flower, a cookie made from flowers or edible flower.

Change marketing strategy

Ricky Hermayanto revealed that in product marketing, J&C Cookies has three main strategies that are implemented. First, the efficiency of the marketing side, the second move to the digital sales channel, and the last is to make innovative steps by creating new variants.

"So, in this pandemic era we have to be really creative both in terms of marketing and cost," he said.

If before the COVID-19 pandemic, J&C Cookies marketing strategy was only focused on market awareness, at this time it prefers to focus on running creative and efficient marketing activation.

"Now how each cost we spend for promotion is clearly the count. So, we chose to focus on digital because it's scalable. For example I want to reach 10 thousand people, it will be clearly visible in its digital report. Now every time we make a promo, we will calculate how many conversions to sales," said Ricky.

Despite having to go through a tough year, during this year J&C Cookies can still be home to all its employees.

"Alhamdulillah, until this moment J&C Cookies are always there and become a door of sustenance for all employees. Even in times of pandemic like this we do not house any employees at all," ricky said.

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