JAKARTA - Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr 2021 is officially banned. The homecoming ban is valid from May 6 to 17, 2021. However, there are people who are excluded and are still allowed to travel. Who are they and what are the conditions?

Director General of Land Transportation Ministry of Transportation Budi Setiadi said the government has conducted land transportation travel control. Public motor vehicles with bus cars and passenger cars are prohibited from operating.

Then, said Budi, individual motorcycles with passenger cars, bus cars, and motorcycles are also prohibited. Includes river transport vessels, lakes, and crossings.

However, Budi said the government granted an exception. People are still allowed to travel. First, for those who work or travel for business, such as ASN, BUMN employees, BUMD employees, TNI, Polri, and private employees.

"That comes with a letter of duty with a wet signature and a wet stamp from his piminan," Budi said, in a virtual press conference, Thursday, April 8.

Then, said Budi, the government also allows sick family visits, mourning visits for family members who died. Including, pregnant women with 1 companion.

"It is still allowed to travel. The importance of giving birth to a maximum of two escorts, as well as emergency health services," he said.

Meanwhile, the exceptions for vehicles that can still continue the journey are vehicles led by the state high institutions, operational service vehicles with TNI and Polri services.

"The operational service vehicles of toll road officers, firefighters, ambulances and hearse cars, vehicles used by emergency health services, pregnant women, core family members will also accompany," he said.

Budi said, the government also allows goods cars to operate as long as the homecoming ban is enforced. However, with the record does not carry passenger people.

"So specifically only goods cars that carry goods only, not to carry passengers. As was the case last year many freight cars used to carry passengers should not be," he said.

Then, budi continued, vehicles carrying repatriation of Indonesian migrant workers, indonesian citizens and students who are abroad and the repatriation of people with special reasons by the government to the region of origin in accordance with the applicable provisions.

"Supervision will be carried out with the Police by making check points in some areas, in addition to the police there is a strengthening of elements of the TNI, pp satpol from the district / city office or elements dishub kab / city, then we will also involve in the recruitment of personnel from BPTJ," he said.

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