JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) today celebrates its 25th anniversary. Quoted from the upload of a video on the official Instagram account @kkpgoid, Saturday, October 26, 2024, this government institution was formed during the leadership era of President Abdurahman Wahid alias Gus Dur.

"KKP was formed during the administration of President Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur through Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 355/M of 1999," explained the KKP.

At that time, this government institution was still named the Ministry of Marine Exploration led by Sarwono Kusumaatmadja. Based on the explanation of the KKP, since the era of Reform to the New Order, the orientation of development in Indonesia is still concentrated in mainland areas.

"So, from the Reformation era to the New Order, the orientation of development in Indonesia is still concentrated in mainland areas. Well, the marine sector has barely been touched at all," he explained.

In fact, the potential for Indonesia's marine resources is abundant. Therefore, President Gus Dur, who served at that time, formed the Department of Marine Exploration or abbreviated as a DEL.

"Then, there is a nomenclature replacement by changing the Department of Marine Exploration to the Department of Marine and Fisheries Exploration or DELP," added the KKP.

Then, explained the KKP, there was a nomenclature replacement by converting the Department of Marine Exploration into the Department of Marine and Fisheries Exploration or DELP.

"From this DELP, there has been another change, here, to DKP aka the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries," he said.

So, when will his name change to become the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP)?

It is known that the name KKP was finally stated in 2009, namely through changes to the nomenclature in accordance with Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 47 of 2009 concerning the Establishment of Organizations and the Ministry of State.

With this new name, KKP is required to be able to develop the marine and fisheries sector as a mainstay sector that can lead Indonesia to escape from the prolonged economic crisis.

"Well, today the KKP has been around for 25 years. Led by (Minister) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono and Deputy Minister Didit Herdiawan Ashaf, the KKP is ready to unfurl the screen to advance to prioritize the Indonesian marine and fisheries sector," said the KKP.

"Once again happy birthday to the KKP, the blue economy for advanced Indonesia," he concluded.

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