JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir appointed Maya Watono as the acting (Plt) President Director of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney to replace Dony Oskaria.

As is known, Dony Oskaria was appointed by Prabowo Subianto to serve as Deputy Minister of SOEs to accompany Erick Thohir in the Red and White Cabinet.

Pgs Corporate Secretary Group Head InJourney, Yudhistira Setiawan said that in addition to filling the position of Acting President Director, Maya also remains as Director of Marketing and Tourism Program InJourney.

"After receiving directions from the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick Thohir, that the Board of Commissioners appointed the Acting President Director of InJourney, namely Mrs. Maya Watono," he told reporters when met at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 22.

Furthermore, Yudhistira said, Maya will carry out her duties as the number one person in the Aviasi and Tourism BUMN Holding, until the company holds a general meeting of shareholders (GMS) to appoint the definitive President Director.

When asked about the schedule for the GMS, Yudhistira said that his party was still waiting for directions from the Ministry of BUMN as a shareholder. Even so, according to him, the GMS will be held in the near future.

"We are waiting until there is a definitive GMS which will later be determined in the GMS," he said.

Previously reported, Deputy Minister of SOEs Dony Oskaria admitted that he had resigned from his position as President Director of InJourney. This resignation was carried out after he was mandated by President Prabowo Subianto to become deputy minister.

As is known, President Prabowo Subianto this afternoon inaugurated the deputy minister of the Red and White Cabinet at the State Palace, Jakarta. One of the things that was followed up was Dony Oskaria.

"I think automatically yes. After being officially inaugurated by the President, automatically I will no longer serve as President Director of InJourney," he said when met at the Ministry of SOEs Office, Jakarta, Monday, October 21.

Dony admitted that he would discuss his replacement in Injorney with Erick Thohir as Minister of SOEs at the leadership meeting (rapim) tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22.

"Of course there must be a president director, yes, who is the president director, we will discuss it with the Minister. Of course we want the best, which can carry out the sustainability of the transformation process that we have carried out. There is still a lot of things that we have to do, improvements," he said.

Even so, Dony also said that the transformation in InJourney would still be carried out. In addition, corporate transformation will continue.

We also know that we have InJourney Aviation Services (IAS). And we hope that one of them can transform logistics costs nationally with us combining IAS. Of course, we will think about the best President Director who will continue the transformation in InJourney," he said.

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