JAKARTA PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) recorded that the number of capital market investors in Indonesia reached 14,001,651 single investors identification (SID) until October 3, 2024, or grew by 1,833,590 SID compared to the position at the end of last year of 12,168,061 SID.

President Director of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) Iman Rachman said this achievement was achieved thanks to the close synergy between the IDX and the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Self-Regulatory Organizations (SRO), as well as other stakeholders, and supported by an effective education digitization innovation strategy to increase public financial literacy that is always carried out by the IDX.

According to Iman, the capital market industry has a very important role to play in encouraging the country's economic growth.

Indonesia's advanced and stable capital market will create inclusive and sustainable economic growth. However, this must still be accompanied by good collaboration between the government, the business sector, and the community," said Iman in his statement, Friday, October 11.

Iman said that investor growth accompanied by increased public financial literacy is expected to strengthen Indonesia's capital market resilience in the face of global dynamics, including the flow of foreign investor funds.

As for the beginning of the year until the end of September 2024, the IDX has held 19,779 educational activities that reach more than 24 million participants.

In addition, the activities in question include the Capital Market School (SPM), the Capital Market Ambassador (DPM) program, and various webinars designed to increase public understanding throughout Indonesia about investment.

On the other hand, currently around 79 percent of the total new investors under the age of 40 show the high participation and interest of the younger generation in investing in the capital market.

The Digitization Strategy And Role Of The IDX Investment Gallery

As part of efforts to increase financial literacy, the IDX continues to develop its digital infrastructure.

The IDX Mobile platform, which currently has 193,968 users, is now one of the pillars of digital education that allows people to get accessable and accurate capital market information.

IDX Development Director Jeffrey Hendrik said this digital development is part of the IDX's strategy in overcoming the challenge of accessing capital market literacy in Indonesia.

Jeffrey said that currently there are actually few, especially when compared to the total population of Indonesia.

However, Jeffrey said that with the development of digitalization of technology today, more and more securities companies will provide forums for investors to transact shares.

According to Jeffrey, this can make it easier for the Indonesian people to become investors in the Indonesian capital market.

In addition, Jeffrey conveyed that the synergy between the IDX and various stakeholders also plays an important role in the capital market development strategy.

Jeffrey conveyed that the IDX Investment Gallery (GI) is one of the main pillars in supporting financial literacy and capital markets throughout Indonesia. Currently, the IDX has 927 GI IDX spread across various regions.

"The IDX investment strategy is not only a bridge between the academic world and the capital market, but also plays an important role in bringing the general public closer to capital market education," he said.

Jeffrey said, with various educational programs such as SPM held in all IDX Representative Offices, it is hoped that it will further increase Indonesia's capital market inclusiveness and reach all levels of society.

"Through the various initiatives and innovations that continue to be carried out, the IDX is optimistic that the number of stock investors in Indonesia will continue to grow, along with the increase in financial literacy and capital markets among the community," he said.

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