JAKARTA - The government through the Director General of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) Syailendra emphasized that national soybean reserves remain sufficient ahead of the momentum of Ramadan which falls this month.

"Although currently there is a slight increase in world soybean prices, the Ministry of Trade guarantees that the supply of soybeans in April 2021 is still sufficient to meet the needs of the national tofu and tempe industry at stable and affordable prices," he said as quoted on Friday, April 2.

According to Syailendra, the government is working with all stakeholders to commit to maintaining the price of imported soybeans at the level of tofu and tempe craftsmen in the range of Rp9,750 to Rp9,900 per kilogram.

"The hope is that the price of tofu on the market can be stable at Rp650 per cut and the price of tempe at Rp.16,000 per kilogram," he said.

For information, based on data from the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), the world price of soybeans for supply in April 2021 is in the range of 14 US dollars per month, or up from the position in March 2021 which was 13 US dollars per month.

"However, it is hoped that world soybean prices will be corrected to decline in the next period," he added.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Trade seeks to continue to monitor and evaluate world soybean price movements, whether there is a decrease or an increase.

This is done to ensure that the price of soybean at the level of tofu and tempe producers and the price of tofu and tempeh in the market is at a reasonable level.

Syailendra also appealed to importers with soybean stocks to continue to supply soybeans regularly to all tofu and tempe producers, including members of the Indonesian Tofu and Tempe Cooperative Association (Gakoptindo.

"We hope the tofu and tempeh production can continue. So, people still get this commodity at an affordable price, "concluded Syailendra.

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