TANGERANG - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan shared his experience as an entrepreneur.

He said, before serving as minister, he was a businessman but his business went out of business.

The man who was born in Lampung said that during his first business, he had 3,000 employees.

However, there are no days without employees who are members of the union continuing to protest.

At that time, he said, it also coincided with the reform era.

"I also have new experiences, so I'm also in the industry, my 3,000 employees first. Every day there is a demonstration, it's just reform, 20 years ago," he said during the exposure of illegal imported goods in the Jatake Industrial Estate, Tangerang City, Banten, Monday, September 23.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, said that this condition made entrepreneurs dizzy. As a result, he chose to close his business.

"I'm dizzy too, so I just closed it (the business)," he said.

Based on this experience, Zulhas said that many trade unions were one of the reasons entrepreneurs chose to relocate their factories to other areas.

For example, continued Zulhas, the reason factories moved from West Java and Banten to Central Java was because the cost was much cheaper. In addition, because of the more conducive working climate.

"In Tangerang, many also move (the factory). So it's closed, actually not necessarily closed, moved, many moved to Central Java. Because Central Java is cheaper, then the workforce is Central Java, you know, calm down," he said.

"The union of workers is in an industry that has only one 20,000 employees, sometimes it doesn't even make them, so the atmosphere of work is more conducive. Here he said, here, Karawang, the union industry can be 10, it could be 11 that too," he continued.

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