JAKARTA - The election for the general chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has begun to warm up, in line with the end of Rosan Perkasa Roeslani's tenure as chairman for the 2015-2020 period. Two names are appearing on the candidate exchange for Kadin Chairman.

Apart from the President Director of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, Anindya Bakrie, the name of the President Director of Indika Energy Arsjad Rasjid is also included in the nomination market for the chairman of Kadin. The election for the Kadin chairman will be held at the Kadin National Conference in May or June 2021.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, emphasized that he would not side with Anindya Bakrie or Arsjad Rasjid in the election market for Kadin 2021-2026.

"I do not support anyone in Kadin's candidacy, but I support Kadin to provide independent input to the government", he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, March 29.

Sandi, his nickname, also said that his meeting with one of the candidates for the chairman of Kadin, Anindya Bakrie, last week was not related to the contest.

Furthermore, Sandi thinks that the government should not participate in the internal processes that occur in the organization. He confirmed that he would focus on dealing with the economic recovery in this time of crisis.

"I ensure that I will focus on economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic", he said.

The moment of Sandiaga's meeting with the President Director of Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. Anindya Bakrie is known through photos uploaded on Instagram social media @anindyabakrie. His meeting with Sandiaga Uno took place at the VIVA Group office, Jakarta, last week. Apart from Sandiaga, the meeting was also attended by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy for the 2014-2019 period, Arief Yahya.

Anindya revealed that Sandiaga wanted to collaborate with Kadin to realize programs related to health certification for cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability (CHSE).

"Minister bro's program is very clear and we will support it wholeheartedly", wrote Anindya.

Trade Minister Lutfi and the head of BKPM support Arsjad

Unlike Sandi, who was reluctant to show his support in the nomination of the chairman of Kadin, Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, who is also Sandi's best friend, clearly stated his support for one of the candidates, Arsjad Rasjid.

"I support Sir Arsjad Rasjid to become chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for 2021-2026. I am sure we will unite to advance Indonesia, restore the Indonesian economy", said Lutfi, in Arsjad Rasjid's declaration of candidacy, in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 26.

Through a video conference, Lutfi shared that he had known Arsjad since he was both educated in Los Angeles, United States. In fact, said Lutfi, he and Arsjad also lived in the same place while studying.

Not only that said Lutfi, Arsjad, and himself became entrepreneurs at almost the same time.

"I see Arsyad as an example for all of us. I saw Indika from the beginning trying to become a company that was rampant everywhere, which became a reference for the business world in Indonesia", he said.

Lutfi emphasized his support to Arsjad as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry without any conditions. He only hopes that in the future Kadin will remain a strategic partner of the government.

Not only Muhammad Lutfi, but the Head of BKPM Bahlil also supports Arsjad. He had joked about actually supporting Erwin Aksa as the Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. However, this support changed to Arsjad because Erwin did not run.

"My position is clearly in support by Bro Asrjad", said Bahlil.

Bahlil admitted that he only knew Arsjad during the presidential election some time ago. He knows Arsjad as a smiling person.

"He just has a problem with a smile, moreover there is no problem. In synergizing, Kadin and the government need a figure that combines comfort, not only formal and informal", he said.

Moreover, said Bahlil, in the future Kadin, will become a strategic partner for the government in restoring the economy. "I see Bro Arsjad being able to communicate with the cabinet, how to deepen the Job Creation Law, its implementation, I really see it", he said.

Meanwhile, Anindya Bakrie and Arsjad Rasjid both received support from the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. If Anindya has the blessing of Kadin in Sumatra and Papua, Arsjadi claims to have the support of more than 20 regional Kadin. Among them;

Yogyakarta, Central Java, Sumatra from Bengkulu, some from West Sumatra, and Maluku.

Compiled from various sources, Arsjad is a businessman and professional who was born in Jakarta on March 16, 1970. Arsjad's career began when he joined the Indika Group in 1996.

Arsjad joined when the company was first founded. He went through various businesses with Indika: from Production House (PH), Radio, Telecommunications, Television Stations to IT and technology.

Currently, Arsjad serves as the President Director of PT Indika Energy Tbk. Meanwhile, Indika Energy is a national integrated energy company owned by Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono.

Within the Indika Energy Group, Arsjad previously served as a member of the Board of Commissioners and Directors in various companies such as PT Kideco Jaya Agung which is engaged in coal, PT Tripatra Engineers & Contractors - an oil and gas EPC (engineering procurement and construction) company, PT Petrosea Tbk. - mining contractors, and PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk. Marine logistics company.

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