PT Pos Indonesia emphasized that delivery operational services were not disrupted due to the fire that occurred behind the Pos Bloc area, Sawah Besar, Jakarta, Tuesday morning.

"The operation of the shipment was not disrupted because it was separated from the processing building," said PT Pos Indonesia Corporate Secretary and ESG Tata Sugiarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 10.

Tata explained that the fire occurred in the back area of Pos Bloc, which is a meeting location and culinary near the Indonesian Post Office in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta. The fire at 00.30 WIB then spread to the Al Bror Mosque section of the Post Building.

The fire allegedly started with an electrical short in the cooler (freezer) that spread into the gas cylinder, resulting in an explosion in one of the coffee outlet kitchens at the Bloc Post, Tata said.

"It was heard and there was an explosion approximately 3 times," he said.

Because of the fire, said Tata, the Al Abror Mosque could not be used temporarily.

"Conditions this morning, all (parts) of the mosque cannot be used for five-time prayer activities," said Tata.

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