Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi emphasized the importance of synergy and collaboration between all regions in building an Indonesian transportation system to achieve effective and integrated development.

Budi Karya conveyed this at the Hub Talks "Online Transportation Paradigm: Integrated and Online-Based", which is part of a series of 2024 Hub Space events, at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta.

"Indonesia needs connectivity that is able to reach all corners of the country. Not only in urban areas, but also in rural, coastal, valley and mountainous areas," Budi Karya said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 6.

According to him, to build transportation throughout the country, the Minister of Transportation continued, of course collaboration and cooperation between the Central Government and local governments and all stakeholders of national transportation operators are needed.

Budi Karya hopes that this coordination can be part of the daily activities carried out starting from the district, city, to the center level.

All local and central governments need to be consistent in establishing good synergy.

"In the last 10 years, transportation development has been thick with the central Indonesia. We have been instructed by the President not to be Central Java, but to carry out development that is central to Indonesia. Therefore, let all local governments play a role in this development," said the Minister of Transportation.

Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian emphasized that regional heads also need to change their mindset so that they do not only make development planning only for the times when leading.

The development plan must be made in the long term because the issue of Indonesian transportation can never be resolved briefly, but must be sustainable.

For him, an effective and efficient transportation development process must be sustainable.

"It must be socialized to fellow governors and other regional heads to have a long-term, sustainable, development pattern, and not only in the era of leadership," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

In addition, transportation systems in all regions need to follow the latest and environmentally friendly technological developments.

The use of the latest technology is undeniable in today's era. Meanwhile, environmentally friendly transportation needs sustainability and sustainability.

"I hope that our public transportation can be high-tech, sustainable and environmentally friendly, effective, efficient, safe, at affordable prices for the community," said the Minister of Home Affairs.

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