Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto opened his voice regarding the news of the investigation of the alleged corruption of the export license for crude palm oil or CPO and its derivatives for the period 2021-2022 at the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

The former chairman of Golkar also admitted that he did not know at all the summons made by the AGO.

"Wow, I don't understand," Airlangga told reporters when met at the office of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

Airlangga was also reluctant to comment on the issue of a summons attached by the AGO to his party and allegedly an investigation related to the CPO corruption case.

Previously, the AGO dismissed news about Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto who was said to have been named a suspect in the alleged corruption case of the export license for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivative for the 2021-2022 period.

The Head of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Siregar, stated that no information had been obtained from the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) regarding the determination of the suspect against Airlangga Hartarto.

"We have not been informed about that," Harli told reporters, Monday, August 12.

Not only that, Harli also said that he had not received any information regarding the progress of handling the corruption case of the export license for crude palm oil.

Including the plan to examine Airlangga Hartarto, which is said to be carried out on Tuesday, August 13.

"If there is information about it (the investigation of Airlangga Hartarto), we will convey it," said Harli.

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