JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) changed several provisions in the rules for granting permits to capital change facilities for business actors in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN). Changes made related to the mention of partner areas to the provision of incentives for business actors.

This is stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 29 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation No. 12/2023 concerning Providing Business Licensing, Ease of Doing Business and Investment Facilities for Business Actors in the Capital City of the Archipelago.

This Government Regulation comes into effect on the date of promulgation, namely 12 August 2024.

From the general provisions, it is explained that this change in content is carried out in the context of accelerating development and development in IKN, which is a high priority scale and has strategic value for the national economy.

"Therefore, special policies are needed that can encourage business actors in the provision of investment licensing, ease of doing business and the provision of special facilities to parties that support financing in the context of preparation, construction and relocation of the State Capital as well as the development of the Capital City of the Archipelago and the Mitra Region of the Capital City of the Archipelago in accordance with the transition period in the Capital City of the Archipelago," wrote the general explanation of the regulation, quoted Thursday, August 15.

The main subject matter for the subject matter of change regulated in this Government Regulation includes:

a. The change in the mention of the Mitra Region to the Mitra area of the capital of the archipelago.

b. The addition of investment facilities in the capital city of Nusantara is in the form of incentives for business actors in collecting special regional taxes for the capital city of Nusantara and/or levies for special areas of the capital city of Nusantara.

c. Provide environmental approval for Business Actors.

d. Addition of arrangements regarding the utilization of Foreign Workers and the appointment of Workers as Assistant for Foreign Workers.

e. Providing incentives for Business Actors who carry out balanced housing obligations in the capital city of Nusantara.

f. Criteria and stages of evaluation, rights, obligations, prohibition and transfer of HAT (Hate on Land) in the women's area of the City of Nusantara.

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