JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) noted that the realization of state spending until July 2024 reached IDR 1,638.8 trillion, an increase of 12.2 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the same period last year.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that this realization was equivalent to 49.3 percent of the 2024 APBN target of IDR 3,325.1 trillion, and grew 12.2 percent (yoy). However, the growth in spending realization decreased when compared to last year's 14 percent (yoy).

"This means that we have spent 49.3 percent of the ceiling, if we look at the growth from our spending is quite high, and this is quite consistent. Even though we looked at it from last month, which was around 14 percent, this growth decreased somewhat. But this growth is still high," he said at the KiTa State Budget press conference, on Tuesday, August 13.

Sri Mulyani explained that the realization of state spending consists of central government spending (BPP) which has reached Rp1,170.8 trillion or reached 47.5 percent of the ceiling. And this BPP expenditure also grew by 14.7 percent (yoy).

The realization of BPP consists of Ministry/Institutional expenditures (K/L) which have reached Rp588.7 trillion or 54.8 percent of the ceiling distributed to support the implementation of general elections (elections), distribution of various social assistance programs, security defense facilities and infrastructure, and infrastructure development.

Furthermore, the realization of BPP was also channeled for non-K/L expenditures amounting to Rp582.1 trillion or reached 42.3 percent of the ceiling.

This non-K/L expenditure is distributed for subsidies and energy compensation, as well as payment for pension benefits.

Then, state expenditures are channeled through transfers to the regions (TKD) reaching IDR 468 trillion, or 54.45 percent of the ceiling of IDR 857.6 trillion.

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