JAKARTA - Currently, Indonesia has entered the digital era. Everything is completely digital, including doing business.

ESA Unggul University Jakarta academic, Gun Gun Siswadi said, it is important for business people, especially MSMEs to develop marketing through online selling by joining the marketplace.

"The reason is, that it will reach a wide market, everyone throughout Indonesia and even the world can access products and make transactions", said Gun Gun in a discussion held by BAKTI Kominfo with the theme "Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi Untuk Pendidikan dan Bisnis", Wednesday, March 24.

By joining the marketplace, he continued, business people will certainly benefit. That is, he said, cutting many types of expenses such as rents and others.

"There is no need to have a location, it is free to determine the location of the business because transactions are carried out via the internet, the income potential is unlimited through an online business, income is not determined by how long you work in a day", he explained.

He also shares tips and tricks for selling online. The first is a matter of basic preparation such as having to be able to take advantage of technological devices and features.

The second one of course has a product, it can be your own, re-seller, or drop shipper. Third, is the selection of an e-commerce platform, which can use social media, websites, classifieds, marketplaces, or online retail.

Fourth, it is necessary to maintain the quality of the product so that it will sell more in the market. The trick is to use attractive photos, attractive product descriptions, and narratives, always provide quick responses and provide regular promotions.

"Besides, a seller must package products attractively, maintain stock of goods, send safely and appropriately, build and maintain relationships, join the MSME community or marketplace in the environment", he concluded.

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