PONTIANAK - The Association of Regional Development Banks (Asbanda) and Bank Kalbar held a withdrawal of the Simpeda Savings Draw Period 1 of XXXV-2024 at the West Kalimantan Governor's Office (Kalbar), Thursday, August 8, 2024.

Titled "From Sabang to Marauke Bersur Rejeki on Equatorial Earth", the Simpeda Savings lottery was attended by Acting Governor of West Kalimantan Harisson, General Chairperson of Asbanda Yuddy Renaldi, President Director of Bank Kalbar Rokidi, directors of BPD throughout Indonesia, and ranks of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government.

Rokidi said the Simpeda Savings lottery was held twice a year. For this period, Pontianak City was given the opportunity to host the BPD Rejeki Harvest event. This is the pride and moment to show the wider audience the achievements of development in West Kalimantan, especially Pontianak City.

"Initially it should have been held in Jayapura, but we pulled (Simpeda Savings Draw) to Pontianak. Alhamdulillah, friends from BPD throughout Indonesia had already felt their admiration for the development in Pontianak City," he said, through an official statement received, Saturday, August 10.

On this occasion, Rokidi also reported the amount of savings at Bank Kalbar. As of December 31, 2023, the total savings reached IDR 8.3 trillion. Meanwhile, specifically for Simpeda Savings, it was recorded at IDR 3.7 trillion as of June 2024, with 660,000 customers saved.

"If you look at the number of national Simpeda Savings in the position of June 2024, it was recorded at IDR 71.6 trillion, with a total of 6.9 million accounts. Of this amount, Bank Kalbar's contribution to the contribution of Simpeda Savings was 5.2 percent," he said.

On the same occasion, Busrul Iman, Deputy General Chair II Asbanda added, Simpeda Savings on its way continued to increase. Until the end of June 2024, the number of savers was 6,872,707 customers. The amount of Simpeda Savings balance is IDR 71.65 trillion.

"This achievement has increased by 8.87 percent or an increase of IDR 5.84 trillion year on year," explained the man who also serves as the President Director of Bank Jatim.

He continued, the BPD that collects the most Simpeda Savings funds is currently still being held by Bank Jatim. It was recorded that until June 2024, the amount of funds raised at Bank Jatim was IDR 16.71 trillion or 23.37 percent of the national Simpeda Savings.

"In the future, we will continue to improve the quality of this Simpeda product and service, so that Simpeda Savings is the choice of the Indonesian people in saving," Busrul hoped.

Meanwhile, Harisson explained, the trust of people who save in Simpeda Savings has encouraged BPD to grow and develop to this day. Therefore, he advised BPD to continue to improve its performance performance.

"I ask the board of directors, commissioners and BPD management to further improve their performance and professionalism in providing services to the community," he explained.

Winners Of The 2024 Simpeda Savings Draw

The withdrawal of the Simpeda Savings Draw for the 1st Year of XXXV-2024 with a total prize of IDR 3 billion was witnessed and ratified by representatives from the social services, police, and notaries.

The winner of the main prize worth Rp500 million was won by customers from Bank Sulselbar. The Simpeda Savings Draw also won the second winner for the four winners with a prize of Rp100 million each.

Untuk tiga pemenang hadiah Rp100 juta masing-masing diraih oleh nasabah Bank BJB, Bank Lampung, dan Bank Kaltimtara. Sedangkan satu hadiah khususkan untuk tuan rumah, yakni nasabah Bank Kalbar bernama Ahmad Yani dari Branch Nanga Pinoh Bank Kalbar.

The 2024 Simpeda Savings Draw is a form of effort to increase customer loyalty and at the same time as a form of appreciation to customers. This draw is held twice a year. Period I collects points, namely January 1 June 30. Meanwhile, period II is for collection points for July 1 December 31.

Meanwhile, the next Simpeda Savings Draw to host the next period is Bank Papua. It is planned that the Simpeda Savings Draw will take place in Jayapura, Papua Province in February 2025.

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