JAKARTA The National Food Agency (Bapanas) continues to intensify checking the condition of strategic staple food at various points with local governments.

This step is taken to maintain the stability of existing staple food prices and ensure the safety of fresh food in the market.

The monitoring was carried out by Bapanas today, Thursday, July 25 at the Cikopo Modern Main Market, Purwakarta, West Java.

The Main Secretary (Sestama) of Badanas Sarwo Edhy said that the basic food prices that were inspected today were relatively stable, so the Cikopo Modern Main Market was able to become a buffer for people's food needs.

"According to the direction of the Head of the National Food Agency, the intensification of the monitoring movement to this market must be carried out consistently, so that we are here to monitor the stabilization of food supply and prices, especially 13 commodities," he said in an official statement, Thursday, July 25.

For example, continued DIw, medium rice is in the range of Rp11,500 to Rp12.000 per liter.

Premium rice at IDR 14,000 to IDR 14,500 per kilogram (kg).

"This means that it is still relatively stable and is still included in the government's reference price. The SPHP rice is also in accordance with the price of Bulog, in this market it is Rp. 12,500 per kilo," said Sarwo.

On the other hand, Sarwo also said that Bapanas was again carrying out rapid testing of fresh food samples at the Cikopo Modern Main Market today by bringing in a mobile laboratory car.

There are 7 commodities that we monitor for the safety of fresh food. After being tested by this laboratory which has been prepared by the National Food Agency, all of them are negative from pesticide contamination. Including chicken meat free from formaldehyde, so this is very healthy. The whole community can shop quietly here, "he said.

In detail, today's rapid food testing is carried out on samples of curly red chilies, red cayenne peppers, shallots, garlic, long beans, cucumbers, and terungs which produce negatives from pesticides.

Meanwhile, the chicken meat samples were declared negative from the formalin. This fresh food safety supervision is one of the mandates of Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food.

In this case, the central and regional governments are asked to ensure the realization of the implementation of food security in each food chain in an integrated manner.

The surveillance locations cover Indonesia with conditions in 2020 according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) there are 16,235 traditional markets and 2,133 shopping centers and supermarkets. This was done to support the achievement of the 2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) target, which is 90 percent of the food in circulation that is declared safe.

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