JAKARTA - Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono Moegiarso conveyed that the discussion in the draft revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel will be completed this week or next week.

"When the Presidential Regulation was discussed yesterday, there was a draft, a draft revision of the Perpres. Then yesterday's notes need to be reviewed again at the technical coordination meeting, hopefully this week it will be finished," he explained to the media crew, Thursday, July 25.

Susiwijono explained that this had been discussed in the last limited coordination meeting and had been discussed regarding technical matters related to subsidized fuel oil (BBM).

Therefore, Susiwijono hopes that the distribution of subsidized fuel can be more targeted and felt by those who are entitled to receive it and ensure that the government will not increase the price or limit on purchases.

"Yesterday, the Minister was ordered to detail the technical details. There was no increase in fuel prices, nor was there any restrictions. The point is that the restructuring so that it is right on target at agriculture, what kind of decision has been made. Later, it will stay at the technical coordination meeting," he said.

However, Susi did not explain in more detail the form of subsidized fuel distribution arrangements to make them more targeted. However, the arrangement can be based on motor vehicle plates or the results of carbon emissions.

"So far, arrangements have started to be based on now, it's like (the car being charged) PPNBM (A Value Added Tax on Luxury Goods) is no longer CC, right. He's already based on the emission. The spirit will be there," he said.

"This is the setting of this target, yes, which vehicle can use. For which black plate, which yellow plate. So more so that it is right on target, there must be a target," he concluded.

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