JAKARTA - Indo Premier Sekuritas (IPS) launched a new product series at the IPOT Fund, the Power Fund Series, which is specially designed to help investors from all walks of life.

President Director of PT Indo Premier Sekuritas Moleonoto The said the Power Fund Series was a revolutionary innovation at Indo Premier Sekuritas with unique and creative features.

According to him, the innovation launched by Indo Premier Sekuritas at the IPOT Fund is designed to create equal opportunities and rights for small and large investors, so as to realize social justice in the world of mutual fund investment and ETF.

"We apologize because after 22 years of success we have just succeeded in making an innovation at the IPOT Fund which provides a relevant solution for all people regardless of their background", he said at the launch of the IPOT Power Fund Series, Monday, July 8.

Moleonoto menyampaikan, ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi oleh investor retail dalam melakukan investasi mutual dana saham seperti kurangan transparansi portofolio, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pencaian dana yang membeluh tiga hingga tujuh hari, serta harga yang terjetak di akhir hari dan transaksi yang terjadi di akhir hari juga.

According to Moleonoto, the mutual power of the stock fund is considered to have to be addressed in order to meet the needs of current and dynamic modern investors.

In responding to these challenges, Moleonoto said that IPS introduced a Power Fund Series in order to make it easier for retail investors to make maximum use of mutual stock funds.

He stated that this initiative also aims to support the mission of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in creating a fair, efficient and accessible capital market for people in the country.

The unique and creative features presented through the Power Fund Series are designed to answer the weaknesses of stock mutual funds and ETF mutual funds.

"Now people can take advantage of real-time prices according to market momentum to get the best price in contrast to mutual stock funds in general, which only refer to the price at the end of the day," he said.

Moleonoto conveyed that this advantage contributed to the next advantage, namely transactions that can be done on and after the exchange hours that provide flexibility to investors.

"If people want to take advantage of the real-time price, they can transact according to real-time during the stock exchange and on the other hand they can still transact after the stock exchange time by referring to the end of the day price," he said.

In addition to the advantages in the process that occurs to be processed transactionally, the composition of a 100 percent transparent portfolio provides peace of mind because the public can know for sure what is invested.

He conveyed that above the certainty of disbursement of funds in two days rather than three to seven days, it provides certainty so that people can manage finances better.

Moleonoto said the Power Fund Series was the first innovation to emerge in the world designed to make it easier for investors from various circles.

"In line with our mission from the start of its establishment, by ensuring optimal accessibility and freedom of use, we hope that the latest innovation at the Indo Premier, especially at the IPOT Fund, can have a significant positive impact on the investment industry in Indonesia," explained Moleonoto.

In launching the Power Fund Series, IPS collaborates with Indo Premier Investment Management (IPIM) and will launch thirteen products, including Premier ETF IDX LQ-45, Premier ETF PEFINDO i-Grade and Premier ETF FTSE Indonesia ESG, which can now be found in IPOT Fund in the IPOT application.

To make the resulting impact even wider, Moleonoto said that IPS is preparing cooperation with various other partners such as banks and other investment managers, which will be announced in the near future.

The innovative features in Indo Premier are specifically implemented at the IPOT Fund to ensure that small investors in Indonesia get the same access to investment products, prices, and buying and selling certainty that are equivalent to large investors.

Moleonoto conveyed that this innovation aims to bring social justice to all mutual fund investors.

"We hope that more partners can join the Power Fund Series to create a more inclusive, transparent, and profitable investment ecosystem for the community. Let's work together to build a better investment future in the country," he concluded.

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