JAKARTA - The earth, which is heating up and getting heavier and the burden on the human population, makes water as the main support for life increasingly difficult to access. In the midst of the threat of a water crisis, the government needs to strive to ensure access to clean water as a fulfillment of basic rights to all Indonesian people.

Amid the trend of global warming, environmental damage, environmental crises, climate crises, and population spikes, this water is threatened with inaccessible to everyone.

In this regard, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) revealed that one of the solutions in dealing with the clean water crisis is to implement desalination.

Desalination is a process of converting salt water into freshwater by eliminating salt in water. "The final result of this process is water that can be consumed by humans, animals and plants," wrote the Ministry of PUPR on its official Instagram @kemenpupr, Monday, July 8.

The Ministry of PUPR said that Indonesia really needs to implement desalination. This is because Indonesia is an archipelagic country and is included in the top four countries with the longest coastline in the world.

By having a high source of seawater, desalination can be one of the efforts to produce clean water.

The desalination is divided into two types, namely distillation and filtration. The distillation is a freshwater obtained through the evaporation method by trapping the condensate as a freshwater product.

Then, filtration is freshwater obtained by filtering salt from water using a membrane.

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