JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders-Indonesian Blockchain Association (Aspakrindo-ABI) has held a series of Crypto Literacy Months (BLK) 2024 throughout May 2024.

PT Pintu Kemana Saja (PINTU) which is also a member of Aspakrindo-ABI held various educational and interesting activities to support the 2024 BLK which focuses on education and literacy regarding crypto assets for the Indonesian people.

General Counsel PINTU and Secretary General Aspakrindo-ABI Malikulkusno Utomo (Dimas) appreciate the 2024 BLK event which was able to achieve extraordinary achievements with various educational activities both online and offline.

"PINTU also took part in the BLK this time, where throughout May we held podcasts, then Workshops at Airlangga University, and Stand-Up Comedy in Surabaya. We are very proud that all the activities we have carried out have received support from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI)," he said, in a written statement, Wednesday, June 5.

Sekretaris CoFTRA Olvy Andrianita mengungkapkan, pihaknya mendukung penuh para CPFAK yang memiliki komitmen kuat dalam mematuhi aturan CoFTRA serta memberikan edukasi dan literasi kepada masyarakat mengenai investasi Asset Kripto.

"For this reason, in the 2024 BLK, CoFTRA also collaborates with PINTU in holding various innovative activities such as the Comedy Stand-Up competition which is wrapped by echoing the nuances of Crypto Asset investment. We hope that education like this can continue to run to increase interest in investing in domestic Crypto Assets, and of course in efforts to protect the public as customers," explained Olvy.

Based on data from Statista, penetration of crypto asset investors in Southeast Asia until the end of 2024 is estimated to increase to 12.78 percent and in 2028 it is expected to increase to 14.81 percent.

"Crypto Asset Trading in Indonesia itself continues to grow positively amid improving national market conditions. Until April 2024, domestic Crypto Asset investors reached 20 million customers with transactions reaching up to IDR 211.1 trillion. Of course, this development cannot be separated from the role of various parties involved in the 2024 BLK in an effort to encourage public understanding of Crypto Asset Trading," said Olvy.

Carrying the theme Exploring Crypto for Tommarrow''s Landscape, various educational and literacy activities in collaboration with many crypto asset organizations, communities, and traders. In reading the report at the 2024 BLK Closing Ceremony delivered by the Secretary General of Aspakrindo-ABI, there were more than 10 thousand participants who made the BLK event a success in various cities in Indonesia, including Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, and Medan.

"BLK 2024 brings enthusiasm and positive value to the crypto industry and encourages the importance of educational and literacy activities for the community, whether they have invested in crypto assets or those who wish to invest. We at PINTU will continue to be committed to educating the Indonesian people through various platforms that we have, one of which is PINTU Academy and also continues to collaborate with all parties as part of our responsibility to increase education and literacy about crypto assets," concluded Dimas.

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