JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) supports the Government's efforts to accelerate and expand regional digitization. This is manifested by BI's membership in the Task Force for the Acceleration and Expansion of Regional Digitalization (Satgas P2DD) in accordance with Presidential Decree No.3 of 2021.

Head of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono said the two main tasks of the P2DD Task Force.

"First, encourage the implementation of ETPD (Electronification of Regional Government Transactions) which can increase transparency of financial transactions, support governance, and integrate financial management systems in order to optimize regional revenues," he said in an official statement, Friday, March 12.

Second, to support the development of digital payment transactions in society in order to achieve financial inclusion, and increase the integration of the national digital economy and finance.

"As the central bank, we have launched payment channels such as the QR Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) which can encourage interconnection and interoperability of payment system services, encouraging the use of e-commerce platforms for paying taxes and levies," he said.

In addition, BI, also called Erwin, has the task of mapping the ETPD profile in all regional governments, optimizing payment service providers to collaborate with local governments and bpd, to support bi representative offices throughout Indonesia in forming the Regional Digitalization Acceleration and Expansion Team (TP2DD).

"BI through the P2DD and TP2DD Task Force will continue to coordinate with all parties who can contribute to efforts to accelerate and expand regional digitization, including associations and industry players," he said.

For information, the membership of the P2DD Task Force consists of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy as the Chair and consists of the Governor of Bank Indonesia, the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, the Minister of the State Secretary.

Then, the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, as well as the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of the National Planning and Development Agency.

"In order to strengthen coordination between the Central and Regional Governments, at the regional level a TP2DD will be formed for both the provincial, district and city levels chaired by the regional head," Erwin concluded.

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