JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) approved changes to the management of the NTT Regional Development Bank (BPD) or Bank NTT to support performance acceleration in meeting the minimum core capital. "OJK fully supports the commitment of shareholders in fulfilling the minimum core capital provisions and improving performance and governance of Bank NTT," said Head of the OJK NTT Office, Japarmen Manalu, quoting Antara. As regulated in Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 12/POJK.03/2020 concerning Commercial Bank Consolidation, all commercial banks must have a minimum core capital of IDR 3 trillion.

One of the efforts to achieve the minimum core capital fulfillment is to form a Bank Business Group (KUB) between Bank NTT and the parent bank candidate, namely Bank DKI. Shareholders also submitted changes to the OJK so that there would be acceleration in the plan to form a KUB in the future. By considering the performance of bank administrators who do not meet expectations and to accelerate the process of establishing KUB with Bank DKI and pay attention to Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 17 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks, OJK also accepts applications and approves proposals for changes to the management.

Japarmen mengatakan batas waktu pemenuhan modal inti sudah dekat yakni 31 Desember 2024.

For this reason, the OJK asks the management and shareholders to build effective communication with Bank DKI so that the action plans that have been prepared can run according to the target. He also emphasized that changes in the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners which have been decided through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS-LB) on May 8, 2024 must be guided by the provisions of the applicable regulations and laws.

"Changes in the management and formation of KUB are expected to be able to improve capital, financial performance, and the quality of NTT Bank services to the community," he said.

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