JAKARTA - Indonesia is ready to take independent steps in creating innovative products in various sectors. This step was motivated by the fact that the government was furious that imported products were flooding the Indonesian market. In fact, it is used for government projects.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, indicated that this year is the last year Indonesia may import production materials.

"I reported to Mr. President Jokowi, Sir, we are still allowed to import this year, next year we are not allowed to import again. We are catching up to build the engine now", said Luhut at the BPPT National Meeting which was held online, Tuesday, March 9.

Luhut emphasized that the import habit must be eliminated. Because, he said, Indonesia could make anything domestically. Especially when he saw the various innovations of the country's children during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, what can be made in the country, must be endeavored.

Luhut hopes a lot from the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). According to him, this institution is the key to the birth of domestic innovations.

"I am very hard-pressed to encourage this research problem, this BPPT must play a very important role in the development of our innovation", he said.

By utilizing BPPT, said Luhut, the country will reduce dependence on imports at the same time. At the same time also creating jobs and advancing the nation's children.

"We have BPPT, we have to use it as a mainstay. That's why I reported to the President, what can be made domestically, made domestically", he explained.

Pipe imports for government projects are a trigger

This import ban was also triggered by pipe imports by a state-owned company. In fact, said Luhut, the materials and production tools already exist in Indonesia.

"For example, making pipes. Pertamina is carelessly asking for mercy, it is still importing pipes. Even though they can be made in Indonesia. I am sad to see that young people are only prostituting their professionalism", he said.

Luhut also admitted that he had also told the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi to reduce import habits in Indonesia.

"I told the Trade Minister I said he was a patent. I said Fi (Lutfi), you don't want those imports, ask me first", he said.

Previously, President Jokowi emphasized that Indonesia should not be a victim of unfair practices from global trade. Support for domestic products must start immediately. He said, at least starting from projects undertaken by the government and BUMN.

"Plenty of pipes can be produced, still imported, what is that for. For government projects, BUMN projects, I say no and it must be started. We must really start at least from the government and BUMN, then invite the public to love the product. Indonesia and does not like foreign products", he said, at the online opening of the 2021 HIPMI Rakernas, Friday, March 5.

Jokowi emphasized that Indonesia is not a country that adheres to protectionism, but economic openness. Even so, we must still limit ourselves in global trade, for example in the use of imported or foreign products.

Echoing the love of domestic products

In the aftermath of the rise of imported goods, Jokowi invited him to love domestic products. This invitation was reflected in the program of the National Movement Proud to be Made in Indonesia (BBI). Along with that, Jokowi also echoed his hatred for foreign or foreign products.

Jokowi's an invitation to hate foreign products has drawn reactions from various parties. The reason is considered to be dangerous to international relations with partner countries.

Responding to this, Jokowi considered that the invitation was a reasonable action so that Indonesia would not only depend on imported products. So that the Indonesian people can prioritize domestically made products.

"Yesterday I told you to love Indonesian products, to be proud of Indonesian products and we may not like foreign products. Why can not, we may dislike foreign products. I talk about hating foreign products, why so hectic. We may not like foreign products", he said.

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