JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) distributes rupiah money worth distribution to the Outermost, Frontier, Remote (3T) areas. The intended area is now in North Maluku (Malut) which began when the release of the Sovereign Rupiah Expedition Team (ERB) at Ahmad Yani Port, Ternate.

"ERB is a synergy between BI and TNI-AL to carry out service activities to the community. Especially in distributing rupiah currency is worth distribution to people in the 3T area in North Maluku," said Director of the Bank Indonesia Money Management Department, Hari Widodo quoting Antara.

The North Maluku ERB activity was held from April 25 to May 1, 2024. The expedition team visited the five outer islands, namely Taliabu, Sanana, Obi, Bacan and Batang Dua using KRI Gulamah-869.

According to him, the money brought for exchange services on the five islands amounted to Rp9 billion at the same time, the expedition team also distributed social programs in the form of basic food packages, education assistance and health assistance.

Hari added that ERB is a national BI activity in order to carry out the mandate of Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency. Where BI has the task of providing sufficient rupiah in denominations that match the needs of the community.

"So, the most important thing is in the quality that is suitable for distribution. So that the rupiah circulating is truly quality and reliable rupiah," he said.

The ERB team this time included 16 people from Rupiah Fighters. They come from the Money Management Department and the Bank Indonesia Representative Office from all over Indonesia.

Meanwhile, 38 personnel from Lanal Ternate were included in this expedition.

"Every place may be prepared 3 or 4 people to secure BI services in each region," added the Commander of the Ternate Navy Base, Marine Colonel (P) Supriadi.

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