JAKARTA - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Sri Mulyani Indrawati held a bilateral meeting with President of the Erpoean Investment Bank (EIB) Nadia Calvino in Washington DC, USA. This is because EIB is exploring the potential for investment in the field of green and sustainable financing in Indonesia.

Indonesia as a big country has a lot of growth potential, especially from the middle class. In this case, infrastructure development such as toll roads, railroads, ports, and airports is a potential area to continue to be developed," Sri Mulyani said quoting Antara, Monday, April 22.

EIB as a financial institution of the European Union expressed interest in exploring collaboration with the Indonesian government. A number of pipeline projects have been initiated, including public transportation development, urban area development projects, and improvement of health facilities.

On this occasion, the Minister of Finance also congratulated Nadia, who had just been inaugurated as President of EIB in January 2024 and hoped to meet on another occasion.

It is known that Sri Mulyani attended the IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, DC

One of the activities attended by the Minister of Finance was the IMF Fiscal Forum, where Sri Mulyani became a panelist along with First Deputy Managing Director of IMF Gita Gopinath, Finance Minister Chile Mario Marcel, and Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs European Commission Maarten Verwey.

At this activity, Sri Mulyani shared Indonesia's experience in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. He said policies cannot be separated from discretion, including during a crisis. This was also done by Indonesia.

Previously, Sri Mulyani also became a speaker at a panel entitled 'Transforming Challenge into Action: Expanding Health Coverage for All', where the Minister of Finance raised the importance of improving the quality of human resources (HR), both in the fields of education and health, as the foundation of inclusive and equivalent economic growth.

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