JAKARTA - The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) held a halal bihalal event at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 16.

Dalam agenda tersebut, sang istri Kartika Conscience turut turut mendampinginya.

Based on VOI's monitoring at the location, Basuki and Kartika and echelon 1 ranks lined up neatly while greeting the entire community of the Ministry of PUPR.

The event took quite a long time, starting at around 07.30 WIB to 09.45 WIB.

Met after the activity, Basuki conveyed a number of messages for his employees.

He hopes that the momentum of Eid al-Fitr 2024 can be a driving force to renew their work intentions again.

"I want to invite and remind my friends that this Eid Al-Fitr (momentum) renews their work intentions even better and interprets that there is a value of worship in this Public Works Department," said Basuki at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 16.

Meanwhile, Basuki and his staff's term of office in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet will end in October 2024.

Therefore, Basuki plans to accelerate the completion of infrastructure work in his ministry.

In line with this, Basuki said that in the near future a working meeting would be held.

"Hopefully I want a work meeting to keep the spirit of completing all the programs that must be completed in the first and second semesters of 2024. (Such as) dams, houses, settlements, drinking water, roads. We must be able to complete everything according to the program given to us," he added.

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