JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has spoken about the sustainability of subsidized houses through the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) as a result of the conflict between Iran and Israel.
Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja said that his party was still waiting for the results of a study from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) regarding this matter.
"Right, we haven't heard from the Ministry of Finance's analysis. We are recalculating various risks, yes. We are mitigating everything there," Endra told reporters when met after the Halalbihalal agenda at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 16.
Endra has not been able to reveal the impact of the turmoil between the two countries on infrastructure development in the country.
"We don't know yet, hopefully there won't be any impact, yes. We don't know yet because of this, right, it's still being studied. (Ask) to the Ministry of Finance. We, right, downstream," he said.
According to Endra, the impact of the turmoil in the Middle East will only be seen within the next 1 month. He also hopes that the impact will not be too significant on infrastructure development in the country.
"(The impact) is 1 month, that's it, we can only see it. We have experienced it several times like that, yes, escalation. Then also the worst scenario we have experienced. That means, we have experienced everything, lah. Hopefully this doesn't (there is an impact)," he added.
For your information, Iran launched dozens of missiles from its territory to Israel on Saturday, April 13 evening.
The Israeli military claimed 99 percent of the missiles fired by Iran were intercepted.
Only a small number of ballistic missiles reached the country's territory, a spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces, Rear Admiral Daniel totaled, reported by CNN.
The remaining ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and all drones were intercepted before reaching Israeli territory, he added.
About 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles launched into Israel by Iran, he said, were mostly intercepted by the Israeli Air Force and the Israeli mitra'.
The ballistic missile that reached Israel crashed at the Nevatim Air Base in South Israel, waryani said, adding the missile only caused minor structural damage.
The base functions and continues operations after the attack, and the planes continue to use the base, he added.
"Some of the weapons launched into Israel were fired from Iraq and Yemen," continued Shari.
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