PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) ensures that the refinery will continue to operate during the Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr period (RAFI) 2024 to achieve the production target according to the set figure. To ensure this, the KPI Board of Directors made visits to all refinery operations units managed by Pertamina.

"To ensure that the refinery operates during this year's RAFI period, the KPI Directors have made visits to all refinery operations units. All KPI directors share to visit all refineries managed by KPI starting from the Dumai unit refinery in the westernmost part to the Kasim Unit Refinery which is located in the easternmost part of Indonesia," said KPI Corporate Secretary Hermansyah Y Nasroen in his official statement, Sunday, April 7.

Hermansyah explained that the visit of KPI directors to the Operations Unit was aimed at directly checking the condition of the operating unit in the field and also aimed at providing moral support to all workers at the forefront who still had to work during the RAFI period.

"In each operating unit, the KPI Board of Directors does not only discuss with the unit management team, the Board of Directors also greets workers who are at the forefront. By discussing, the Board of Directors gets input regarding matters that need direct support from the Board of Directors," explained Hermansyah.

KPI has also formed the 2024 RAFI Task Force (Satgas) starting from the head office to the refinery operations unit on duty from March 25 to April 21, 2024. The current optimal capacity according to the refinery production target during this year's RAFI is 850 thousand barrels per day of installed capacity of 920 thousand barrels per day.

"All refineries are currently operating according to their production capacity. Only at the Balikpapan Refinery, one of the Crude Distilition Unit units, namely CDU IV with a capacity of 200 thousand barrels per day is not operating because an integration process is being carried out with the new unit of the Balikpapan RDMP and will increase its capacity to 300 thousand barrels per day," explained Hermansyah.

Meanwhile, the CDU V unit with a capacity of 60,000 barrels per day continues to operate. The Balikpapan refinery will be the largest refinery in Indonesia with a capacity of 360 thousand barrels per day in the middle of this year.

In addition to ensuring the readiness of the refinery, during the RAFI KPI period, KPI also made arrangements for workers. KPI also prepares fast moving materials including chemicals with resilience of more than 2 months and catalysts with resilience of more than 6 months.

It has become a tradition in Indonesia that RAFI is an important moment for the community to meet their families. Under these conditions, KPI workers remain committed to carrying out refinery operations.

"Through the RAFI task force, we make arrangements for workers who still have to work during the RAFI period. The workers who are included in the RAFI Task Force carry out this as one of Pertamina's commitments to ensure fuel production during the RAFI period is on target," explained Hermansyah.

Coordination with stakeholders was also carried out by KPI. "We need support from all stakeholders so that refinery operations continue to run safely and smoothly. Hopefully community activities during the RAFI period can run safely, smoothly and comfortably," said Hermansyah.

Hermansyah conveyed that KPI maintains the resilience of our raw material stock of crude oil reaching 25 days. From our records, cumulatively until March gasoil production was achieved as planned, while avtur production was achieved 7 percent above the target, even gasoline production could be achieved 8 percent above the target.

The visit to the Refinery was not only carried out by the KPI Board of Directors, but also by the Board of Directors of PT Pertamina (Persero). Finance Director Emma Sri costing and Business Supporting Director Erry Widiastono visited the Balongan Refinery. Meanwhile, President Director Nicke Widyawati and Director of Risk Management Ahmad Siddik Badruddin visited the Refinery and Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Balikpapan project.

During Nicke's visit, Pertamina emphasized Pertamina's commitment to completing the project in Balikpapan on target.

"We are committed to completing this project because all Indonesian people have been waiting for it. This project will provide great added value to the economy and strengthen energy resilience in Indonesia," said Nicke.

Nicke also said that it was not easy to build a project as big and complex at the Balikpapan oil refinery, but Pertamina through KPI and all the teams involved had proven that through full commitment and with strong cooperation they were able to overcome the existing challenges. During RAFI project work, it will also continue.

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