JAKARTA - The banking company owned by conglomerate Michael Bambang Hartono and Robert Budi Hartono, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) in collaboration with PT AIA FINANCIAL (AIA) officially launched the latest bancassurance product innovation, namely Maximum Critical Illness Protection (PRIMA Extra).
The product is claimed to be a comprehensive solution to help customers take steps to prevent and protect against serious diseases and the various risks they cause.
The President Director of AIA, Sainthan Satyamoorthy, explained that PRIMA Extra is a form of AIA's commitment to helping millions of families in Indonesia live healthier, longer, better lives. PRIMA Extra is expected to provide more protection for the community, including those of productive age.
"In the midst of a pandemic that is not over, we are also faced with the fact that serious illness is still a big concern due to an unhealthy lifestyle", said Sainthan in a written statement, Thursday, March 4.
He added PRIMA Extra can be integrated with AIA Vitality, a health & wellness program that will be connected to AIA's core life protection services in Indonesia.
"The AIA Vitality program includes four pillars to help customers focus on their journey to achieve a healthier, longer, better life: Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well, and Plan Well", added Sainthan.

Meanwhile, Deputy President Director of BCA, Suwignyo Budiman, said that his party needs to provide the best service for customers. Through the presence of PRIMA Extra, BCA complements the availability of bancassurance with comprehensive, quality, and targeted protection.
PRIMA Extra, provides protection against 136 serious diseases and other protections that can protect customers extra, including protection for cancer that may recur, cancer and heart care abroad, and protection of children before birth.
"The risk of serious illness lurking among the productive age groups is expected to make people have maximum protection according to their needs. This time, BCA is collaborating with AIA again in presenting protection products for customers against serious illnesses", explained Suwignyo.
It is known that serious illness is still the main cause of death in Indonesia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted stroke, heart disease, and diabetes as the main causes of the high mortality rate in Indonesia. Also, the incidence of cancer in Indonesia is still at number 8 in Southeast Asia and 23 in the Asian region according to the Ministry of Health.
The healthy lifestyle of the community also deserves attention. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 shows that 95.5 percent of Indonesians consume fewer vegetables and fruit. Then as many as 33.5 percent of people lack physical activity, 29.3 percent of people of productive age smoke every day, 31 percent have central obesity and 21.8 percent have obesity in adults.
WHO data states that an unhealthy lifestyle such as consuming alcohol and cigarettes will increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are the main causes of serious illness. However, by changing diet, physical activity, and reducing smoking, the threat of serious illness can be minimized.
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