JAKARTA - The gold price for the Comex New York Mercantile Exchange broke out at the close of Friday, March 22 US time. This is due to the strong United States (US) dollar.

Citing Antara, the most active gold contract for April delivery recorded a decline of 24.70 US dollars or 1.13 percent to close at 2,160.00 US dollars per ounce.

Setelah kenaikan harga emas pada pekan ini mencapai rekor tertinggi, pedagang secara jangka pendek mengambil untung, sehingga semakin mendam harga emas.

Gold futures still have a technical advantage (showing positive prospects) in the overall short term, but it appears that the momentum of the golden future is slowing.

Market analysts argue that the next gold-boosting price target is above strong resistance at a record high of 2,225.30 dollars, and the next short-term drop-price target is below strong technical support at 2,149.20 dollars.

The US gross domestic product report will be released on Thursday (28/3), in line with inflation data on Friday (29/3).

Regarding silver precious metals, May delivery decreased by 16.40 cents or 0.66 percent to close at $22,843 per ounce. The price of platinum for April delivery decreased by 14.60 dollars, or 1.60 percent closed to $898.40 per ounce.

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