Ministry Of Transportation Predicts 3 Million People Use Vessels For Eid Homecoming 2024
Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) predicts that as many as 3 million people will go home for Lebaran this year with sea transportation modes. This number increased 39.3 percent compared to last year.

"In 2024, it is predicted that the increase (passengers) will be 39.3 percent from 2023 or around 3 million passengers who will use sea transportation," said Director General of Sea Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi in a virtual conference, Sunday, March 17.

Furthermore, Antoni said, the increase in passengers in sea transportation was in line with the addition of monitoring ports.

"We also need to convey this increase as well as an addition from the monitoring port," he explained.

Antoni also said that there are 264 monitoring ports that will be monitored during the implementation of this year's Eid homecoming transportation.

In more detail, Antoni explained that during the Lebaran 2020-2021 homecoming period there were only 51 monitoring ports. Then, it rose to 110 monitoring ports in 2022-2023. Then, it reached 264 monitoring ports this year.

"So in 2024 all ports are connected and there are 264 monitoring ports that will be monitored during homecoming transportation," he explained.

Regarding the readiness of the ship, Antoni said, PT Pelni (Persero) will prepare 26 fleets and 107 pioneer ships. Then, the private property is 1,208 fleets.

That way, continued Antoni, the total number of ships that will operate during the Lebaran 2024 homecoming period is 1,341 fleets.

This number is estimated to be able to load up to 241,304 passengers in one transport.

"Preparedness related to the fleet, PT Pelni 26, pioneering 107, private fleet 1,208. With a total fleet of 1,341 with a single carrying capacity of 241,304 passengers," he said.

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