Visit Giwangan Terminal, Minister Of Transportation Ensures Revitalization In Two Stages
Previously, the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi (left of the white shirt) reviewed the condition of Cirebon Station, West Java, Saturday (9/3/2024). (DOC. ANTARA)

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi checked the Type A Giwangan Yogyakarta Terminal which will be revitalized soon.

Budi said that the plan was for the revitalization of the Giwangan Terminal to be carried out in two stages. This stage is intended to ensure that terminal services can still run for the community.

Some of the work carried out in phase I included preparation and precursion, renovation of buildings on the south, mechanical and electrical sides of the second floor, as well as arrangement of double-decker bus lanes.

"Some of the work that will be carried out in phase II include preparation and preparation, renovation of buildings on the central and northern sides, mechanical and electrical, and terminal refreshment," Budi said during his visit on Monday, March 11.

Budi explained that the government is committed to revitalizing all terminals in Indonesian territory.

Revitalization is carried out to improve road transportation services, so that bus terminals are not only a place for passengers to go up and down, but also have other functions such as offices, residences, hotels, shopping centers, community service centers, and are integrated with other modes of transportation.

"President Jokowi has committed to revitalizing terminals in Indonesia to improve services to the community," concluded Budi.

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