JAKARTA - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit is implementing the Turn Surround (TA) Revamp project or periodic refinery maintenance to increase production capacity.

In this treatment, an integration of the existing refinery unit operation process will be carried out with a new refinery unit which is part of the Balikpapan RDMP refinery development program. The connection of the refinery unit will be a historic milestone in the Balikpapan Refinery, because the Balikpapan Refinery which previously had a production capacity of 260,000 barrels per day will increase to 360,000 barrels per day.

General Manager of PT KPI Balikpapan Unit Arafat Bayu Nugroho said the TA Revamp project, which is expected to last for 58 days, has so far succeeded in meeting its work targets.

"I specifically thank you, the progress of the implementation of this Revamp TA is in accordance with the target. We are trying our best to complete it according to the target," said Bayu in a statement to the media, Friday, March 8.

The progress of the implementation of the Pertamina Refinery Revamp Balikpapan Unit to date has reached around 50 percent. In addition, there are 51 scopes of work or connection points jointly carried out between PT KPI Balikpapan Unit and PT Kilang Pertamina Balikpapan (KPB).

At this Grand Toolbox Meeting, Bayu also reminded again to always prioritize safety aspects.

Then also thank God everything is safe. Keep safety first, go with complete PPE, work with the right procedures, use the tools that have been inspected. Do joint surveillance. Then we also have to care about others. Right behind us, our brother is 1 team, we want them to be safe too," said Bayu.

The Grand ToolBox Meeting was attended by a series of Management, PT KPI Balikpapan Unit workers, Inter-Unit Assistance Workers, and TA Revamp implementing partners.

One of the Grand Toolbox Meeting participants from PT Panca Putra Mulia Hari Purwanto gave the risk sharing he faced while working and how to anticipate it.

"I work at the HSC C120 column. For danger of working at a height, mitigation is wearing full body distress. Then to anticipate falling objects, we secure not placing items on the edge, we tie them or put them in sacks. Then for mitigating limited space lack of oxygen, we can wear oxygen masks and do gas tests first, "said Hari.

For information, the Toolbox Meeting is one of the activities in routine and planned Work Safety and Safety (K3) efforts before the start of the work. The Grand Toolbox Meeting which was held on a large scale was carried out as a coordinating medium to inform workers of everything related to K3, including information on procedure explanations, issues about K3 (work accident, finding mismatch), brief training to workers and other info.

Meanwhile, HSSE Manager of PT KPI Balikpapan Unit, Binsar Butar Butar hopes that unwanted things will not happen during this project.

"Friends can identify themselves. Before starting work, make sure to identify what dangers are identified. Second, determine mitigation, then try to control all risks, our prayers together are all smooth and secure," explained Binsar.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero) Fadjar Djoko Santoso said that the transition process from the existing refinery to the new refinery is a complicated process, so caution is needed including the maintenance process to support the development of the Balikpapan RDMP to increase refinery capacity.

"We hope that the process will run smoothly so that later it can be completed according to the target and the Balikpapan refinery will become the largest processing refinery owned by Indonesia with a capacity of 360 thousand barrels per day," said Fadjar.

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