JAKARTA PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI noted that during 2023 99 percent of BRI's total transactions were carried out through digital channels.

Meanwhile, the rest is carried out conventionally in the BRI branch or work unit.

BRI's Director of Digital & Information Technology, Arga M Nugraha, revealed that BRI implemented digital transformation by implementing three main guidelines.

"BRI continues to strive to increase its resilience, focus on the open banking concept, and strengthen the use of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) and machine learning (machine learning) to encourage transactions and financial services to be easier, faster, more integrated, and practical," said Arga to the media quoted on Friday, February 23.

In addition to recording digital transactions, BRI noted that the growth in open API or BRIAPI utilization has been utilized in more than 23 types of digital ecosystems with more than 1,000 total partners.

Then the use of Sabrina's Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be at the forefront of customer handling by serving 55.6 million messages that enter the BRI contact center during 2023.

In 2023, the level of satisfaction of the BRI New Assistant service, which is a virtual assistant to serve the banking needs of BRI customers throughout Indonesia, has also increased.

The operational side and infrastructure of BRI data centers have also provided a reliable foundation. This is evidenced by 3 (three) Tier III certification obtained from the Uptime Institute, namely the Tier Certification of Design Documents (TCD), the Tier Certification of Construction Facilities (TCCF), and the Tier Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) for all BRI facilities.

In terms of information security, BRI already has a cyber security policy that regulates the security of BRI information on a bank-wide basis, and the cyber threat monitoring function continuously to ensure the security of BRI systems proactively.

Arga added, BRI has compiled the Enterprise Security Architecture and cybersecurity policy by using the NIST Cyber Security Framework as a reference.

Last year BRI also conducted an IT Maturity Assessment as mandated by the Ministry of SOEs with a score of 4.66 out of 5.00 points based on the best practice COBIT 2019.

BRI also proves the ability of digital harmony with the achievement of Level 2 (scor 80.50 out of a total of 100), according to the assessment guidelines of the Financial Services Authority.

"The things above are a real embodiment of BRI's efforts to continue to improve its digital capabilities and capacity. All for the convenience and security of customers," concluded Arga.

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