JAKARTA - The completion of the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi toll road project continues to be accelerated. Based on the video uploaded to the Instagram account @yukbanyuwangi, the project is planned to be completed in October 2024.

Bearing in mind, now the progress of the toll road construction has reached Paiton. So, the project is considered to be running smoothly.

"I didn't expect to have arrived at Paiton. Wow, I can't wait to start operating soon. It is planned that this national project will be targeted for completion in October 2024," reads the statement in the video upload @yukbanyuwangi quoted on Wednesday, February 7.

The plan is that several areas have also been provided with buildings that are planned to become business places for MSME owners.

"Thus, if in the end this toll road will be connected, it is predicted that it will become the most beautiful toll road in Indonesia with sea views, mountains, reservoirs, hills to the Baluran Forest," he said.

Responding to this, Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja assessed that currently, construction acceleration is being carried out on the toll road.

However, he said, considering the construction process along with land acquisition, his party targets that the toll road can be completed by the end of 2024.

"Given that the construction process coincides with land acquisition, it is estimated that construction will still be completed by the end of 2024," Endra told VOI.

The plan is for two construction packages to be targeted for completion by the end of this year, namely Section 1 from Gending to Kraksaan and Section 2 from Kraksaan-Paiton.

"In response to this content, we can convey that the target for completion of package 1 and 2 construction is to remain at the end of 2024," he added.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of PUPR, the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road consists of 2 stages of construction implementation.

In stage 1, it is divided into Section 1 Gending-Kraksaan (12.88 km), Section 2 Kraksaan-Paiton (11.20 km) and Section 3 Paiton-Besuki (25.6 km).

Overall Phase 1 of the Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road consisting of 3 Sections is targeted to complete construction in December 2024.

Meanwhile, for stage 2 of the Besuki-Banyuwangi section along 126.72 km, the construction is targeted to be completed after 2024.

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