PT KAI Commuter (KCI) or KAI Commuter revealed that three new trainsets or KRL series imported from China will arrive in Indonesia in early 2025. The series will be sent in stages.
KCI Vice President Corporate Secretary Anne Purba said the first train series will arrive in the next 13.5 months, or around March 2025 daei since signing the contract on January 31, 2024.
Anne said the entire import KRL from China will arrive in the next 15 months, or around April 2025. Anne explained that this imported KRL from China was sent gradually to Indonesia considering that each series of KRL consisted of 12 train carriages.
"In total, his arrival was 15 months for everyone, but the first trainset (train series) was 13.5 months," Anne said at a press conference at the Central KCI Office, Tuesday, February 6.
After this series of imported KRL arrived, Anne said that a trial would then be conducted with a distance of 4,000 kilometers (km). The trial is carried out following the arrival of KRL or one by one.
Anne explained that this trial was carried out in order to obtain certification from the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub).
"The target is to pass the first test which is 4,000 km. So about 15 months (the whole series up to), and in the 16th month you can serve passengers. So there is certification from DJKA," he said.
Previously, PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia or KAI Commuter opened its voice regarding the reasons for choosing new KRL imports from China compared to Japan. One of the things to consider is the price offered.
As is known, KAI Commuter will officially import three new KRL series with KCI-SFC120-V type from a manufacturer from China, CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd with an investment value of around Rp783 billion.
KAI Commuter Corporate Secretary Anne Purba explained that in the technical preparation process for imports, KAI Commuter continues to build communication with various providers or manufacturers from several KRL facilities producing countries.
"After an official proposal from J-TRECT (Japanese KRL producer) we received last October 2023, the producer conveyed a change in technical recommendations and financing submitted from the previous proposal," he said in an official statement written on Saturday, February 3.
In addition to continuing to communicate with J-TREC Japan, Anne said KAI Commuter also communicated with South Korea (Wojin and Dawonsys) and China (CRRC Cifang Qingdao) which also produces fast trains
"After receiving proposals from the four parties, from the results of the discussion on the KRL Facilities procurement process, CCRC Sifang can meet technical and time delivery specifications in accordance with the requirements and competitive prices compared to other products," he explained.
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