JAKARTA - Bank DKI through the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) cooperates with Perumda Pasar Tohaga and PT Gemini Surya Pratama, to support the development of the MSME sector, particularly development, arrangement, and management of the Citayam People's Market, Bogor Regency, in signing the Cooperation Agreement held at the Citayam People's Market, Bogor Regency on Wednesday, January 31.
The signing of this Cooperation Agreement was carried out by the Director of Retail & Sharia Bank DKI, Henky Oktavianus, President Director of Perumda Pasar Tohaga, Haris Setiawan, and President Director of PT Gemini Surya, Pratama Rivaldi Surya Pratama.
On the same occasion, the Director of Retail & Sharia Bank DKI, Henky Oktavianus, welcomed this collaboration and emphasized Bank DKI's commitment to developing the MSME sector through the provision of loans and financing and banking services needed.
"Bank DKI is very enthusiastic about this cooperation, because in addition to supporting market physical development, it also provides financial solutions that can encourage MSME growth. This initiative is in line with Bank DKI's commitment to support the local economy and provide inclusive banking services," said Henky.
Through this agreement, the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) of Bank DKI will provide financing facilities to customers who wish to buy kiosks and stalls at the Citayam People's Market. The amount of financing will be determined in accordance with the evaluation from Bank DKI, which aims to provide support for efficient and sustainable business facilities.
Customers who wish to obtain Financing Facilities can apply through PT Gemini Surya Pratama. The application will be forwarded to Bank DKI or can also be submitted directly to Bank DKI. The purpose of this procedure is to provide easy access to prospective customers in obtaining the financing facilities they need.
Henky further said that this collaboration would have a positive impact on the development of the Citayam People's Market and its surroundings.
"By combining the expertise of PT Gemini Surya Pratama and Perumda Pasar Tohaga, we hope to create an ecosystem that supports MSME growth and promote economic activity in this region," said Henky.
Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Arie Rinaldi emphasized that Bank DKI is always committed to supporting the growth of the MSME business as an economic pillar that has contributed greatly to national economic growth.
"Bank DKI always presents initiatives and programs aimed at supporting the growth and sustainability of MSMEs," concluded Arie.
Digital Transformation Through Market Digitization
Bank DKI continues to emphasize its commitment to developing the MSME sector, one of which is through a market digitization program that creates easy transactions for business actors and consumers in the market ecosystem based on technology.
The market digitization program, among others, by providing a payment ecosystem through the JakOne Abank application, implementation of QRIS, to digitizing payments in other facilities in the market environment which is expected to encourage the implementation of non-cash transactions.
Bank DKI also provides JakOne Mobile as a super app with various digital service features that can accommodate various daily financial transaction needs, especially for traders and market visitors such as shopping payments through the scan by QRIS feature, various bills, taxes, levies.
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