YOGYAKARTA - The presence of the creative industry in Indonesia continues to be rampant with various inspirations and innovative ideas. In Indonesia itself, the creative industry has a focus on creating goods or services, which the process relies on capabilities, creativity, talents, and innovations that have high selling power. Want to know what types of creative industries are?

The increasing ability of the creative industry also affects the national and global economy. In this regard, the growth of the economy is also supported by innovation and creativity created from the creative industry. That is why this industry deserves special concern from the government so that it can reach a wider global market.

Currently, the creative industry in Indonesia is usually the responsibility of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf). Data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy shows that until this article is released, creative economy businesses in Indonesia have reached 15.898, on the contrary, tourism businesses have achieved 14.685. This figure will certainly continue to grow along with the emergence of other new creative industries.

What Is Creative Industry?

The creative industry is a process of producing ideas and creativity carried out by individuals or a group of people to create a work that will later be used as an economic product. This economic product is expected to generate profits or profits by not exploiting natural resources.

The arrival of the creative industry must also be able to produce new jobs that can improve the welfare of citizens. In this case, the arrival of the creative industry must continue to be raised so that it can become one of the pillars of the nation's economy. If the creative industry zone continues to grow, then it is very likely that a country can compete with other countries.

The following are some of the sub-sectors classified as creative industries, including:

Craft is a sub-sector of the creative industry which includes the process of making ideas, creations, making works, to distribution of the produced works. Generally, the craft zone uses natural resources in the form of rattan, wood, bamboo, skin, and so on to be made into works that are expensive selling power.

Advertising subsectors usually include market research to the installation and spread of advertisements in various media, ranging from print media (posters, brochures, pamphlets), electronic media (TV and radio), to online media (social media and websites).

This creative industry sub-sector includes the production process of clothes, accessories, style consultations, to distribution of clothing products that have been made. Fashion is also a field that has a very wide market with growing trends.

Music is also a sub-sector of the creative industry whose potential is increasing. This sub-sector is related to creation, composition, writing, creation, production, to marketing of a musical work.

Photographography is a sub-sector that includes all processes related to the production or creation of photos from an object, be it a static or dynamic object.

The architectural sub-sector includes activities related to building design, construction planning, supervision of the construction process, to building conversion.

Television and radio sub-sectors are the creative industry that deals with production activities to the packaging of TV and radio shows, ranging from the preparation of schedules, the idea of quality programs, to the formation of quality human resources.

This creative industry is related to the production of a moving photo (dynamically), such as videos and films, from the manufacturing process to the marketing of the resulting works.

Issuance includes the creative industry sub-sector which includes the process of writing, printing, and distributing book products. Although online products have often been found, publishing books in the form of sports is still a sub-sector of the creative industry that is of interest to many circles.

Subsectors that include the entire process of creating new products, ranging from the search for ideas, designs, production, to marketing a product that has high selling power.

The next type of sub-sector is the art of performance which includes various appearances of a series of stories, both in the form of dramas that link the storyline, music, and other important elements.

Arts are a sub-sector of the creative industry which includes the trade of unique and rare art-valued goods, and has a high selling value.

The creative industry is growing rapidly along with the growth of the digital world. This is because this sub-sector is related to technology development, such as software, data processing, system maintenance, website creation, game development, and so on.

Culinary subsectors include the manufacture, production, and distribution of typical foods in certain areas. This is a fairly promising creative industrial zone because it includes the primary needs of each person, has an external market, and is able to compete with the modern retail market.

In addition, we also recommend reading Moncer's Creative Industry Performance Disokong Fashion and Craft to further inspire you in the creative industry world.

So after knowing the type of creative industry, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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