What Is Kasbon? Know The Definition, Benefits And Risks For Companies
Kasbon illustration (Photo: Mufid Majnun/Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may have applied for a cash box to the company. Kasbon is usually proposed by employees when there is an urgent need but the salary date is still long. So, what is a Kasbon?

In this article, VOI has summarized a number of information about what it is, the benefits, and risks for the company. Come on, see the explanation.

Kasbon is a loan facility given by the company to employees. Generally, the source of the cash funds comes from the employee's own salary.

The amount of the loan given will be adjusted to the length of work of the employee. The longer he works, the greater the potential for the loan to be obtained.

The process of paying off cash can be paid in installments every month, either in cash or through deductions from monthly salaries.

The carbon facility is considered very useful for employees, especially if there is an urgent or unexpected need.

In addition, cash facilities can also prevent employees from being caught in illegal online loans.

Even so, the cassbon application requires valid and strong reasons to get approval. In addition, employees who apply for a carbon will also have their information disclosed.

The funding loan facility provided by the company to employees aka Kasbon has a number of benefits, including:

Previously, it had been mentioned that Kasbon can be used as a solution for employees who have financial problems. However, it is undeniable that Kasbon is a sensitive and risky thing for the company.

Here are some of the risks of cash for companies to know:

That's the information about what Kasbon is. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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