JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) Jakarta Cilincing Branch Office has distributed participant claims of IDR 181 billion throughout January-December 2023.

The claims come from 3 employment social security protection programs, namely Death Security (JKM), Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Old Age Security (JHT).

Head of the Cilincing BPJamsostek Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, detailed that the largest claim still came from the JHT program with 6,578 cases with a claim value of Rp163,142,881,790.

"In recent years, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, JHT claims have been quite high due to the many cases of layoffs (termination of employment)," said Haryani Rotua Melasari, Wednesday, December 27.

Furthermore, said Ani, Haryani's nickname, in the second position was JKM's claim with 497 cases worth Rp. 10,926,000,000 and the third position was JKK's claim with 429 cases worth Rp. 6,867,897,330.

Avoid Brokers

On that occasion, Ani reminded participants not to use the services of third parties or brokers to make claims. This is because the claim services provided by BPJamsostek are getting easier and faster, and free of charge.

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan terus berkomitmen dan berupaya maksimal meningkatkan kualitas layanan termasuk layanan klaim yang mudah dan cepat. Layananan ini dapat diakses mana saja dan kapan saja, kata Ani.

The claim service in question can be through PRIK (Physical Contact Service) which can be accessed through lapakasik.bpjsketenagakerjaan.go.id.

Apart from lapakasik, claim submissions can also be made through the JMO application which can be installed on the smartphones of each participant. The JMO application provides digital service features including updating or updating participant data, submission and tracking JHT claims.

Then simulate JHT balances and JP balances, checking balances, digital cards, information about the location of service channels, Promo, News related to labor social security, Complaints, Reports related to services provided and Information benefits.

"The service innovation from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, both lapakasik and JMO, is aimed at providing convenience to participants, thus preventing brokers from submitting claims. To get official information, you can contact call the 175 call center or come to the nearest BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Office," Ani concluded.

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